Coaching for Results

According to Bersin by Deloitte, ‘Organisations with senior leaders who coach effectively and frequently, improve their business results by 21% as compared to those who never coach.’ Coaching, therefore, is not just ‘nice to have’ but an indispensable part of a leader’s skillset.

Businesses today are continuously demanding and rapidly changing and that is mirrored in the role of the leader. While managers may traditionally plan, organise and control; a true leader must establish a purpose that can unite teams and develop a road map that allows this team to achieve that purpose. Coaching for Results focuses on equipping the managers with essential coaching skills that will enable them to provide support to team members needed to achieve peak performance, understand learning styles of team members for greater traction, harness the talents of their team by taking the time to understand them, and allow them the opportunities for long term growth in the organization.

This program will help managers foster a coaching-driven environment, create greater leadership resilience and agility; not just in themselves but also in their teams. It would prepare them to respond to uncertainty with power and conviction thereby empowering team members to develop their own talents and flourish. Leaders who are skilled coaches and are capable of switching hats quickly, are therefore critical components to organisations.

Program Objectives: 

The program leads the participants to:

  • Develop the ability to switch to ‘coach mode’, aiding team members to solve problems, overcome challenges and ultimately get the best out of them
  • Apply coaching techniques to facilitate the coachee to think differently, shifting the perspective from problem-driven to solution-driven
  • Elicit creativity in employee to help achieve awareness of the business’s needs, greater responsibility and thus increase the collective team performance
  • Improve productivity through speed of decision making by empowering employees to make decisions more independently
  • Create less command-and-control and more resourceful teams capable of taking ownership and figuring out solutions


3-day program = 24 hours of investment