Leadership from Inside Out

Today’s fast-paced environment and technology, globalization and the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world have leaders tackling more challenges than ever before. To be able to navigate through multifaceted challenges on the professional and attitudinal fronts, leaders need to move from being ‘Volatile’ to having a Vision, from tackling ‘Uncertainty’ to gaining Understanding, from facing ‘Complexity’ to achieving Clarity and from ‘Ambiguity’ in direction to Agility in pace. Leaders must demonstrate the ability to build trusting relationships, consistently do the right thing based on personal values, set examples of radical forgiveness by amicably resolving disagreements and lead with their head and heart by focusing on their inner self.

Our program Leadership from the Inside Out, has been designed on the paradigm that the best way for a leader to improve the organization is by Self-improvement and the best way to empower the organization is by empowering the Self. One can benefit the most from this program by being willing to take risks, share experiences, keep trying, and learning along the way.

Program Objectives: 

The program would lead the participants to:

  • Self-awareness: Recognize the value of self-awareness and engage in an ongoing practice of intentional self-awareness
  • Executive Presence: Engage in a process of changing your thoughts and behaviours to transition from dependence to independence and ultimately to interdependence
  • Critical Thinking and Risk Taking: Explore existing patterns to achieve higher levels of metacognitive and critical thinking
  • Inside Out character development: Develop an understanding of a principle-centred approach leading to personal effectiveness and change


3-day program = 24 hours of investment